The Junior Counselors listed below were Cadets last year and were invited back by the Staff.

Junior Counselors are the next line in the chain of command after the Cadets and also answer to the Senior Counselors.

Juniors, thank you all SO much for all your help and we hope to see you next year in those yellow shirts!!

Jared Beckett
Kara Bennett
Briana Boyd
Maria Browslawsky
Josh Brown
Haley Carlin
Sasha Claypool
John "LJ" Cox
Kara Davis
Ashley DeGraw
Danielle Duff
Brandon Estep
Gabrielle "Gabby" Gardner
Rober Graf
Steve "Bob" Heckert
Whitney Horst
Sarah "Ginger Lilly" Jackson
John Jacobs
Lindsay Kazienko
Andre Lucious
Sammantha "Sammi" Mangino
Jared Martin
Heather McCoy
Kandi McKinney
Leslie Moten
Tabitha Pauley
Tanna Phillips
KayCee Rose
Natasha Row
Joseph Simmons
Dena "Sassy Frass" Smitley
Chris "Sheriff Bucket Head" Vance
Matt Vogrin
Andrew Walker
Chuck Wallace

2002 Academy Staff 2002 Senior Counselors 2002 Junior Counselors
2002 Cadets 2002 Awards Graduation Agenda
Academy Elected Officials Academy Schedule and Events Photographs
Countdown to Camp!!