The Senior Counselors listed below have attended the Academy for at least two years, prior to returning.

Senior Counselors are invited back to the Academy by the Staff and are the Staff's right hand when it comes to getting things done around the Academy.

This year's Lead Senior Counselors were:

Jill Gore, Logan County


Mike Bennett, Kanawha County

I would like to thank each of them, personally, for a job well done!!

And, to the rest of the Senior Counselors, many thanks for helping make this years Academy a huge success!

Chase Albu
Artie Badger
Betsy Bickerstaff
Tristan Brown
Jeremy Ferrell...Head Senior for District 2
Grace Fox
Tonya Hager
Shane Henderson...Head Senior for District 1
Newton Higginbotham
Alyson Hoffman
Amy Holiday
Becky Hopkins
Kourtney Huffman
Natalie James
Josh Manypenny
Casey Martin
Ian Masters
Justing McAbee
Alison McDonald
Steve McDonald
Danny Mers
Melissa Stambaugh
Nick Tucker

2002 Academy Staff 2002 Senior Counselors 2002 Junior Counselors
2002 Cadets 2002 Awards Graduation Agenda
Academy Elected Officials Academy Schedule and Events Photographs
Countdown to Camp!! TBA TBA