Aaron Radcliff
Chad Barker and Lil Bruce
Chris Thomas Graduating
District 1 Crime Scene
District 3
District 3, Again
District 3, Graduation
District 4
District 4 at Graduation
Eddie Blake
Marching to Graduation
Steve Heckert
Academy Band
Academy Band
Academy Band
Adademy Band
Jared Beckett
Jared Beckett, Chris Thomas
Jared Graduating
Jared Graduating
Jared Beckett, Steve Heckert, LJ Cox
Jared Beckett, Will Jordan at Graduation
Jeremy Ferrell, Chris Vance
Jeremy Ferrell, Nick Tucker, Steve McDonald, Sarah Jackson
Kendra and Casey Martin
LJ Cox, Becky Hopkins
LJ Cox, Tanna Phillips, Tyler Sumpter
Nick Tucker and Jill Gore at the Welcome Party
Nick Tucker
Power Quest Team
Power Quest Team
Power Quest Team
Power Quest Team
Becky Hopkins, Melissa Stambaugh, Newt Higginbotham, Lindsay Kazienko, and Tristan Brown
Seniors at Graduation
Shane Henderson at the Welcome Party
Tiffany Bennett, RN, Mike Dyer, Roman "Moo Maw" Thompson
Trish McNeish, Bruce Stroud, Nick Tucker, Todd Cole, Becky Collins
Tristan Brown
Tristan at the Welcome Party
Tristan Brown, Nick Tucker, Chris Vance
Tyler Sumpter
Tyler Sumpter, Graduation
Winston Bolling - Proving you can play pool with TWO broken arms!
Winston Bolling and Aaron Radcliff (WHY does he keep covering his face?)
Winston Bolling at Graduation
Winston Bolling at Graduation
Here are some ones I had got today (07/22/02) I scanned them, but our scanner at work isn't very good!! :)
Danielle Duff
Jared and Danielle
Me and my Senior Boys..A.K.A. Kendra County (This was taken while the kids got their picture made with their respective Sheriff's)
These were taken by Johnson's Photo and they are Copywritten!! ...so behave!! :) Again, the regular prints are outstanding, the scan is just awful :)
Staff Picture Shall we throw the Commandant in the Fountain?!?
Camp Picture
Updated.......New ones as of 07/25/02...thanks to Paige and Tiffany for giving these to me :)
The Staff during graduation
Jared and Kendra after Jared won his award
Jared and Sheriff Cole at graduation
Kendra and Winston at gradution